What better way to express your love of travel than by turning old dusty atlases and world maps into something of a display piece? So before you donate that stack of yours to the museum or toss them out with yesterday’s paper, have a look at these ideas and be inspired:
- Framed vintage atlas pages or world map segments make for one stunning wall adornment – whether you use a variety of frames, one big whopper or a number of matching frames.
- Make geographical bunting for the study or lounge area by cutting the atlas pages into triangles and attaching them to a piece of string, or take the decorating a step further by covering an entire wall with world map “wallpaper”.
- Laminate map squares and use it as placemats or stick a large map to a pin-up board as a backdrop for your notes and pictures.
- Atlas pages and world maps make the ideal book covering, especially for your child’s geography books or a travel journal for a friend.
- Cover wooden coasters with scraps of world map, turn a tin can into an world-map-wrapped pencil holder or cover an old lampshade in atlas paper.
- Revamp an old chest of drawers by varnishing old world map segments onto the face of each drawer, or do the same with the back/seat of an old chair.
- When it comes to gifting, wrap your presents in scraps of map or make your own envelopes, tags or paper gift bags using this geographical paper.
Original images and their credits available on Pinterest
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