Fun Facebook Signs

by Claire Minnaar

I consider myself quite adept with Social Media and online stuff given I have been in the industry for yonks! A few months ago, I started noticing everyone using a sign on Facebook “<3”. As a programmer, I was like…WTH does that mean? Why are people now using a “less than sign” and a 3 – this makes no sense? Is this a bug with Facebook? Well…yes, this is clearly one of my “Mom are stupid” moments, so feel free to laugh at me and yes, I did figure it out!

Anyway, I did some googling and searching about other characters I had seen and well, I’ve ptu together a little table for you to use on Facebook if you’re interested on how to make characters show on when you update your statuses.

Facebook Signs

Alt + 1 ☺
Alt + 2 ☻
Alt + 3 ♥
Alt + 4 ♦
Alt + 5 ♣
Alt + 6 ♠
Alt + 7 •
Alt + 8 ◘
Alt + 9 ○
Alt + 10 ◙
Alt + 11 ♂
Alt + 12 ♀
Alt + 13 ♪
Alt + 14 ♫
Alt + 15 ☼
Alt + 16 ►
Alt + 17 ◄
Alt + 18 ↕
Alt + 19 ‼
Alt + 20 ¶
Alt + 21 §
Alt + 22 ▬
Alt + 23 ↨
Alt + 24 ↑
Alt + 25 ↓
Alt + 26 →
Alt + 27 ←
Alt + 28 ∟
Alt + 29 ↔
Alt + 30 ▲
Alt + 31 ▼

Cool hey? Give it a try!

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